Technological Rambler

Grateful to be alive and breathing

Secretly excited over security

"I found the time to setup more security" - said no one ever. That is until someone decided to really think through the problems behind security and come out with a proper solution that really helped ones daily workflow. Passwords on computers have been hacked,...

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Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible.  — Frank Zappa

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IMDb Watchlist

IMDb is arguably the most useful database on the internet related to the subject. It has been, for many years, a resource I have consistently gone to whenever I got the proverbial,  "You remember that movie, with that guy, and that couch...". For years though I never...

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MOG vs. Spotify

Battle of the online streaming music services I have a confession to make. Pandora has single handed stopped my interest in pirating music many years ago. It was exactly what I needed, an online suggested music streaming service where I can manipulate through adding...

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Venice, Italy

© 2014 Frank Stallone III






UX Designer

